Communication for Academic Purposes

Communication for Academic Purposes

Academic Writing 
  • Ask yourself first
  • Conceptualize the problem 
  • Finding Solution 
  • Making or arguing your own stand
As an umbrella term it may include:
  • Academic Assignment 
               a. Case Study Analysis.
               b. Financial Analysis 
               c. Report 
               d. Analysis
  • Solution Based on evidence 
  • Present informed argument
  • Sort out what you feel 
  • Different from professional writing 
11 Step to
  1. Select a topic
  2. Formulate a working thesis statement
  3. Prepare preliminary question
  4. Find cross sectioned sources
  5. Design a system to organize and take notes
  6. Create a Timeline
  7. Develop your thesis statement 
  8. Outline your paper
  9. Revise 
  10. Edit
  11. Check documentations 
  • List of all sources you used in your paper 
Research Paper 
  • Gathering data 
  • Forming hypothesis
  • Testing of hypothesis 
  • Forming a new theory 
  • Confirming an existing one. 
  • Literature Review 
  • Methodology
  • Findings
  • Analysis 
Types of Research 
  1. Survey/ Questionnaire (Quantitative)
  2. Observation (Qualitative) 
Discourse and It's types. 
Discourse is come from latin word "discursus", which means "running to and fro".

     Having a knowledge about creating an academic paper will help us to make it credible and useful to other people. 


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